333 Bratz Boyz Cameron
(9:00AM to 5:00PM)
> Bratz Boyz Cameron

Bratz Boyz Cameron

Product Code:BT-38450334

Product weight:1.10 Pounds

Our Price:
PKR 3733.00

This Spring release of Cameron introduced all new fashions but shared the same mold and paint details as the original 2002 Cameron. This would be the last edition to use the 2002 head molds that were replaced with the new Koby and Eitan sculpts starting with the Formal Funk Line and continuing with the NU-COOL Collection. Spring 2003 Cameron and Dylan were never given a specific release title or theme and reused the same poster and character artwork from the 2002 editions.

  • This Spring 03 release of Cameron introduced all new fashions but shared the same mold and paint details as the original 2002 Cameron
  • Replaced with the new Koby and Eitan sculpts starting with the Formal Funk Line and continuing with the NU-COOL Collection
  • Spring 2003 Cameron and Dylan reused the same poster and character artwork from the 2002 editions