333 S.T.E.A.M. Line Toys Elenco Owi T4 Transforming Solar Robot Kit
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> S.T.E.A.M. Line Toys Elenco Owi T4 Transforming Solar Robot Kit

S.T.E.A.M. Line Toys Elenco Owi T4 Transforming Solar Robot Kit

Product Code:BT-42939968

Product weight:0.58 Pounds

Our Price:
PKR 18447.00

S.T.E.A.M. Line Toys has award-winning product lines, which teach kids to have fun learning about electronics, engineering, science, and technology. These toys have been endorsed by educators worldwide and used in schools, libraries, museums, after-school programs, STEM programs, and at home. Many of today s rising engineers and scientists learned the basics of technology by playing and creating with these smart toys. We supply schools, learning stores, and home-school coops. Our focus are toys with an educational component. Our mission is to show that learning is fun and that expanding the mind is the greatest gift one can share.

  • OWI s geek squad, who brought to you the beloved T3 Transforming Solar Robot, has dusted off their labs coats and goggles to concoct their latest triumph...T4 Transforming Solar Robot. "T4" not only has more transformations but also comes equipped with larger parts, meaning that your younger child does not have to be excluded from partaking in some high quality robot fun.
  • T4" is completely solar-powered so you never need to buy batteries. Not only will "T4" provide your child with a new understanding of solar power as a source of renewable energy, but will also get your kids outdoors for some wholesome fun in the sun.
  • This kit gives your child the option to easily transform between one of four different modes: Robot - walking legs as well as moving wheels, Insecta - 6 walking legs as well as moving jaws, T-Rex - 2 walking legs and moving jaws, and Drill Vehicle - similar to a miner s driller/drilling bit and moving wheels.
  • If your children are glued to smart-phones, give them an opportunity to acquire solar power knowledge, learn about mechanical transmissions, and get them outside to play. Amazingly, you might find yourself engaged in conversation with your child, thanks to their newly acquired "expertise"!
  • This kids robotics science toy gives you a chance to build transformable robots that are powered by solar energy! In fluorescent green colours this Robot Toy is sure to outshine the other toys, but not only because of its bright and eye-catching appearance.